QIMA Life Sciences offers histology services.

As a researcher in the pharmaceutical industry or as a physician, you wish to carry out histological or immunohistochemical analysis as part of your research program or as part of your preclinical or clinical studies.
Do you have samples (tissues, human or animal biopsies), blocks or slides that are ready to be analyzed? Are you looking for a reactive high quality contract research organization that can provide you with expertise and flexibility?

Our laboratory and our special team dedicated to histology and immunohistochemistry methods would like to assist you with your studies.

Histology – Routine assays

Preparation of samples to study:

    • cryo blocks or paraffin inclusion
    • generation of slices
  • Methods:
  • Microscope observation and  generation of images
  • Image analysis: scoring, quantification

    Histology – Customized services

    • Development:
      • staining
      • immunolabeling (research and validation of antibodies)
      • co-labeling
    • Preparation of slices
    • Images, image mosaic, slide scanning, TEM/SEM
    • Quantification / image analysis (thickness, intensity, counts, etc.)



    staining methods


    validated antibodies for IHC/IF

    + 4 000

    analyzed samples per year

    +30 000

    pictures per year

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    Sample & slide preparation

    The sample and slide preparation is a crucial step for histological or cytological observation. It is crucial to highlight what needs to be observed and to « immobilize » the sample at a particular point in time and with characteristics close to those of its living state. Bioaternatives sets up sample and slide preparation protocols that guarantee an observation which is as close as possible to the actual living tissues…

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    Histological staining

    At Bioalternatives, we offer more than thirty standard (topographic) histological and special (descriptive) staining techniques.

    These staining processes are carried out after a thorough preparation of samples and slides.

    With routine standard staining techniques, tissue morphology (structure, organization, dimension / nucleus, cytoplasm, collagen fibers) can be examined and tissue integrity or …

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    Immunolabeling: IF/IHC

    Bioalternatives offers immunolabeling services in order to detect the cell and tissue components in a tissue section.  Proteins of interest (antigens) are detected by using polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies specifically directed against the target proteins.

    The detection methods directly depend on the type of marker that is used. Our laboratory uses special in situ detection techniques: immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry.

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    Electron microscopy service

    Do you wish to illustrate your studies, support your quantitative results and optimize your visual marketing supports with striking high quality images?

    Bioalternatives provides you with a full service of sample analysis and TEM or SEM observation and imaging…

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    Slide scanning service

    Do you wish to illustrate your studies, support your quantitative results and enrich your marketing materials with an innovative digital approach?

    Bioalternatives provides you with the ability to semi-automatically digitize your slides, by using a Nikon Eclipse Ci straight microscope equipped with a motorized X-Y-Z stage (autofocus). This system enables the capture of « big images » at x10, x20 or x40 magnifications.

    This system is suitable for histology, immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence techniques.

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