Microbiota vs. Microbiome: What’s the Difference?
Skin microbiomeWhat is the difference between microbiota vs. microbiome? Why are they important to human skin? What is the Skin Microbiota test? Learn more here.

Using Reconstructed Human Epidermis model in Skin Microbiome Research
Skin microbiome, Skin microbiomeSkin microbiome research is developing rapidly. Are you up to date? Find out why 3D skin models are an important development in skin microbiome research.

Innate immunity activation of sebocyte cells by living bacteria. Evidence of a potential immunosuppressive effect of DHT.
Acne, Microbiome cutané, Sebaceous gland regulation, Skin microbiome, Skin microbiomeAcne is a skin pathology targeting the pilosebaceous unit…sebum hypersecretion and bacterial infection. We studied the effects of living bacteria on the induction of an innate immune response in a sebocyte cell line.