Androgens activate lipogenesis through an AKT-independent mTOR pathway stimulation and a limitation of autophagy in an androgen-sensitive sebocyte cell line.
Acne, Peau grasse, hyperséborrhée et séborégulation, Sebaceous gland regulationAndrogens are key regulators of sebaceous function... A link between mTOR and androgen signaling has previously been reported...as well as a link between these processes and lipid synthesis...Here we aimed at confirming that DHT-induced lipid synthesis/accumulation is at least in part dependent on mTOR activation in the SEBO662AR cell line and that the autophagic process is consequently modified by the androgenic treatment.

Effects of different kinds of pollutants on the lipidic metabolism of human sebocytes and protective effects of a new macroalgae culture extract
Cosmetics_cat_publi, Peau grasse, hyperséborrhée et séborégulation, Sebaceous gland regulation, Skin protection and immune defense systemSebocytes lipid production are stimulated by pollutants. Ame acts by protecting epidermal cells, human sebocytes and skin from urban dust.