Chemoinformatics and artificial intelligence for biological activity prediction
Today’s biology is without a doubt very different from yesterday’s biology. Big data and artificial intelligence have now revolutionized our scientific approach. New chemoinformatics technologies, when applied to biology and the prediction of structure-activity relations, are part of this revolution.
Chemoinformatics and in silico virtual screening techniques have become very powerful tools for identifying active molecules and biological targets. They allow the screening of a large number of compounds and the prediction of biological activity and molecule efficacy at an early stage. This approach makes it possible to rationalize in vitro and clinical evaluations and so to maximize their success rates.
Some key figures
of confirmed predictions
protein structures
active ligands
Boost your R&D efficacy with virtual screening and phytochemical profiling:
- Characterize the phytochemical composition of your extracts
- Identify active molecules
- Find targets that can interact with your molecules or molecules that can act on your targets
- Determine biological activities and principal applications
- Discover new applications of known molecules and reposition your products
- Select new candidates
- Discover new molecules
- Select the most relevant in vitro assays
- Innovate and differentiate your marketing offer
- Sustain your patent applications
- Develop original scientific files