Dermal fibroblasts are the key sensors of aseptic skin inflammation through interleukin 1 release by lesioned keratinocytes
Inflammation, Pharmacologie, PharmacologyIL-1 plays a crucial role in triggering sterile inflammation following tissue injury.
Although most studies associate IL-1 release by injured cells to the recruitment of neutrophils for tissue repair, the inflammatory cascade involves several molecular and cellular actors whose role remains to be specified.

Lymphotonic activity of Ruscus extract, hesperidin methyl chalcone and vitamin C in human lymphatic smooth muscle cells
Pharmacologie, PharmacologyBesides actions including their venotonic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant effects, venoactive drugs are expected to act on edema via their action on lymphatics.

Cerebrovascular β-amyloid deposition and associated microhemorrhages in a Tg2576 Alzheimer mouse model are reduced with a DHA-enriched diet
Pharmacologie, PharmacologyCerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is a major contributor to Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathogenesis.