Dermatology Biobank

Establishing the First Hair and Skin Biobank in Westphalia-Lippe,

Germany, for Advanced Pathological and Physiological Insights.

To continue with our passion for providing the best hair and skin research solutions, we pioneered in establishing a “Hair and Skin” Biobank, the first to be developed in the region of Westphalia-Lippe, Germany.

Skin (the largest organ) and hair follicles (mini-organ) play many vital roles in the human body, especially in providing protection and interaction with the “outside world”. Thus, it is very crucial to get deeper insights and understandings of the skin and hair pathology and physiology.

Our purpose

To systematically advance our current translational knowledge in the field of skin and hair research, we have established our own Biobank.

We believe that a wide understanding of the normal structure and function of skin and hair in physiological and pathological conditions is of utmost importance. This can lead to the discovery of novel molecular biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of diseases of the skin and its appendages (such as hair follicles, nails, sweat glands, etc.).

Our biobank supports advanced research using a standardized extraction and processing of biomaterials. We ensure high quality, data protection-compliance and complete documentation of each sample. Biomaterials are stored under required optimal conditions and the highest security aspects are considered.

Researchers can request the biomaterials for research purposes to advance the detection and treatment of hair and skin diseases in the future. Sample requests from external research groups are advised and the decisions will be made by the biobank management committee.

Sample request document /

Probenanfragedokument (in German).

Cancellation of the biomaterial and data usage /

Löschung der Nutzung von Biomaterial und Daten (in German).

If you want to know more about our Biobank, please contact us: