Phytochemical analysis with GAINS makes it possible to characterize the composition of your extracts and to identify their active molecules.
GAINS is a phytochemical analysis and metabolic profiling tool that makes it possible to characterize the composition of your plant extracts at a molecular scale and to succeed in identifying the candidates.
It brings together information technology tools (chemoinformatics) and chemistry techniques. This innovative and robust phytochemical analysis tool allows a faster and more effective characterization of your extracts. GAINS gives you a better understanding of your ingredients and helps you make the best use of their functionalities.
The power of a phytochemical platform that combines
analytical chemistry and artificial intelligence.
It can take a long time to know the precise phytochemical composition of a vegetal extract and this can be costly. The qualification of the molecules in the extract requires dedicated equipment and advanced skills for conducting the studies and interpreting the obtained results. These results also depend on the extraction technique that is used.
The metabolomics and phytochemical analysis platform GAINS uses experimental results obtained by UHPLC/HRMS that are then compared to the data of the GPDB database.
The principle here is to experimentally collect structural data, such as the monoisotopic masses and fragments characteristic of the molecules of an extract, in order to virtually identify the nature of the molecules by similarity search and so to deduct the probable molecular structure.
GAINS phytochemical analysis and profiling makes it possible to identify more molecules in your extracts
In addition to the main molecules that are commonly identified by conventional analytical tools, GAINS makes it possible to identify more molecules in the extract. This fast and efficient screening provides you with a classification of the detected molecules according to their success potential. It indicates the best candidates for later studies.
GAINS makes it possible to:
- know the wide metabolic profile of the extract
- identify new, previously unknown molecular structures and so innovate
- select an extract among several vegetal sources (assistance with sourcing)
- identify potentially toxic compounds