Performance and Tolerance of a Protocol for Idiopathic Chronic Greasy Seborrhea in 18 Dogs Using a Shampoo and Mousse Containing Plant Extracts

The study aimed to evaluate the tolerance, performance and effect on hair lipids and skin hydration of a protocol combining applications of one shampoo and subsequent mousses containing plant extracts (Ophytrium and Seboliance) in dogs with an undiagnosed chronic greasy keratinisation disorder.

Clinical and Microbiological Performances and Effects on Lipid and Cytokine Production of a Ceruminolytic Ear Cleaner in Canine Erythemato-Ceruminous Otitis Externa

Erythemato-ceruminous otitis externa (ECOE) is the most common type of otitis in dogs and is generally associated with bacterial and/or yeast infections.

Multiplex Cytokine Analyses in Ear Canals of Dogs Suggest Involvement of IL-8 Chemokine in Atopic Otitis and Otodectic Mange—Preliminary Results

Atopic dermatitis is a form of allergy of genetic origin accompanied by itching, during which the animal more easily develops allergies to environmental factors, usually pollen and dust mites.

Survey of cytokines on ocular surfaces of atopic dogs by multiplex analysis using two sampling methods – a pilot Study

Conjunctivitis in atopic dogs has already been described yet is rarely observed, and likely underdiagnosed in practice.
Dog Skin - Epidermal Cornification Proteins