Image Analysis of Xerosis and Atopic Dermatitis Following Prebiotic Skincare Regimen in Ethnically Diverse Patients

Facial repigmentation is the primary outcome measure for most vitiligo trials. The Facial Vitiligo Area Scoring Index (F-VASI) score is often chosen as the primary outcome measure to assess the efficacy of treatments for facial vitiligo.

Spatial Distribution and Functional Impact of Human Scalp Hair Follicle Microbiota

Facial repigmentation is the primary outcome measure for most vitiligo trials. The Facial Vitiligo Area Scoring Index (F-VASI) score is often chosen as the primary outcome measure to assess the efficacy of treatments for facial vitiligo.

Revealing novel insights on how oral supplementation with collagen peptides may prevent hair loss: Lessons from the human hair follicle organ culture

Facial repigmentation is the primary outcome measure for most vitiligo trials. The Facial Vitiligo Area Scoring Index (F-VASI) score is often chosen as the primary outcome measure to assess the efficacy of treatments for facial vitiligo.

Melatonin facts: Melatonin lacks immuno-inflammation boosting capacities at the molecular and cellular levels

Facial repigmentation is the primary outcome measure for most vitiligo trials. The Facial Vitiligo Area Scoring Index (F-VASI) score is often chosen as the primary outcome measure to assess the efficacy of treatments for facial vitiligo.

Autologous Th2-polarized lymphocytes induce atopic dermatitis lesions in non-atopic human skin xenotransplants

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most common, as yet incurable chronic inflammatory skin diseases, which occurs in distinct endotypes and shows increasing prevalence.

Malassezia restricta-mediated Lipoperoxidation: A Novel Trigger in Dandruff

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Dandruff is a common scalp disorder with multiple microbial and host-related factors contributing to its aetiology, including alterations in scalp sebum.

Performance and Tolerance of a Protocol for Idiopathic Chronic Greasy Seborrhea in 18 Dogs Using a Shampoo and Mousse Containing Plant Extracts

The study aimed to evaluate the tolerance, performance and effect on hair lipids and skin hydration of a protocol combining applications of one shampoo and subsequent mousses containing plant extracts (Ophytrium and Seboliance) in dogs with an undiagnosed chronic greasy keratinisation disorder.

Dermal fibroblasts are the key sensors of aseptic skin inflammation through interleukin 1 release by lesioned keratinocytes

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IL-1 plays a crucial role in triggering sterile inflammation following tissue injury. Although most studies associate IL-1 release by injured cells to the recruitment of neutrophils for tissue repair, the inflammatory cascade involves several molecular and cellular actors whose role remains to be specified.

Clinical and Microbiological Performances and Effects on Lipid and Cytokine Production of a Ceruminolytic Ear Cleaner in Canine Erythemato-Ceruminous Otitis Externa

Erythemato-ceruminous otitis externa (ECOE) is the most common type of otitis in dogs and is generally associated with bacterial and/or yeast infections.

Multiplex Cytokine Analyses in Ear Canals of Dogs Suggest Involvement of IL-8 Chemokine in Atopic Otitis and Otodectic Mange—Preliminary Results

Atopic dermatitis is a form of allergy of genetic origin accompanied by itching, during which the animal more easily develops allergies to environmental factors, usually pollen and dust mites.

Lymphotonic activity of Ruscus extract, hesperidin methyl chalcone and vitamin C in human lymphatic smooth muscle cells

Besides actions including their venotonic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant effects, venoactive drugs are expected to act on edema via their action on lymphatics.
Modèles canins in vitro

Chemoinformatique, screening in silico et profiling phytochimique

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La biologie d‘aujourd’hui n‘est certainement plus la biologie d’hier. Les "Big data" et l'intelligence artificielle viennent révolutionner notre approche scientifique. Les nouvelles technologies de chemoinformatique appliquées à la biologie et à la prédiction de relations structure-activité font partie de cette révolution.

Survey of cytokines on ocular surfaces of atopic dogs by multiplex analysis using two sampling methods – a pilot Study

Conjunctivitis in atopic dogs has already been described yet is rarely observed, and likely underdiagnosed in practice.
Effets sur les signes cliniques, les lipides et les facteurs d'hydratation des applications combinées de shampooing et de mousse contenant de l'Ophytrium et du Seboliance chez les chiens atteints de séborrhée

Effets sur les signes cliniques, les lipides et les facteurs d’hydratation des applications combinées de shampooing et de mousse contenant de l’Ophytrium et du Seboliance chez les chiens atteints de séborrhée

Les performances du shampooing et des applications ultérieures de mousse ont été évaluées chez des chiens atteints de séborrhée. Les applications d'un shampooing et de mousses sans rinçage ont permis une amélioration significative...

Metrology and sensors as dermo-cosmetic technology opportunities for a change of paradigm

According to the International Bureau of Weights and Measurements, metrology, the study of measurement, is becoming an essential aspect of all industries today in creating value.
Evaluation of mean inhibition - canine whole bool model
Modèles canins in vitro