skin photoaging irradiations

in vitro modeling of skin photoaging: development of evaluation tools for cosmetics

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Development of in vitro models skin for better understand the modifications during photo-aging induced by repetitive UV exposure.

Méthodes d’analyse des miRNA

QIMA Life Sciences propose différentes solutions pour l’analyse des microARN. Une analyse du profil d’expression complet des microARN (miRNome) à partir d’une puce à ADN/microarray permettra la mise en évidence de signature moléculaire et l’identification de microARN d’intérêt pour du diagnostique, pronostique, ou en tant que cible thérapeutique potentielle.
ageing reconstructed epidermis

Development of a new model of reconstructed aged skin useful to study antiageing effects of cosmetic compounds

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The development of new anti-ageing products needs performant in vitro models mimicking morphological changes and physiological modifications appearing during skin ageing. In order to have access to a simple model mimicking the epidermis ageing but in relation with a normal dermis, we have developed a new in vitro model of reconstructed skin comprising an aged epidermis covering a reconstructed dermis built with collagen and normal (young) fibroblasts.

Cicatrisation cutanée, phases de granulation et maturation

La troisième phase de cicatrisation consiste à remplacer la matrice de fibrine provisoire par le tissu de granulation. Elle se déroule en plusieurs étapes: la réépithélialisation, la fibroplasie, le dépôt de collagène et l’angiogenèse.
cicatrisation inflammation

Cicatrisation cutanée, hémostase et phase inflammatoire

La phase hémostasique est la réponse immédiate à la blessure, pour stopper la perte de sang au niveau de la plaie dans les premières minutes qui suivent la lésion. Les dommages aux capillaires sanguins et l’hémorragie entraînent une vasoconstriction et la coagulation du sang.

Cicatrisation cutanée, généralités

La cicatrisation cutanée est un processus naturel, dynamique et complexe impliquant de nombreux acteurs pour restaurer les structures cellulaires et tissulaires de la peau : cellules souches, cellules différenciées, follicules pileux, matrice extracellulaire (ECM), protéines, cytokines, certains microARN, ainsi que les systèmes vasculaires et nerveux et des forces mécaniques.


Apparue dans les années 1980, la notion de biosimilaire désigne un produit biologique identique en tout point (forme et substance pharmaceutique, caractéristiques physicochimiques et biologiques) à un médicament biologique original (vaccin, anticorps, facteur de croissance, etc.) déjà commercialisé et dont le brevet est expiré. La démonstration de la similarité en termes de sécurité et d’efficacité entre les deux produits biologiques est un processus complexe qui requiert notamment de nouveaux essais précliniques

Increased fatty acid synthesis inhibits nitrogen starvation-induced autophagy in lipid droplet-deficient yeast

Cerulenin, a potent inhibitor of fatty acid synthase, and exogenous addition of palmitic acid could restore nitrogen-starvation induced autophagy in the absence of lipid droplets.

Rab11a Is Essential for Lamellar Body Biogenesis in the Human

Most of the skin barrier function is attributable to the outermost layer of the epidermis, the stratum corneum, which is composed of flattened, anucleated cells called corneocytes surrounded by a lipid-enriched lamellar matrix.

Expression de gènes par PCRarrays

Dédiés aux analyses d'expression de gènes par PCR quantitative, on appelle PCRarrays le regroupement d'une sélection de primers autour d'une thématique ou d'un processus biologique donné. La mise en œuvre d'analyses d'expression de gènes par PCRarrays est à ce jour considérée comme l'approche la plus puissante et la plus économique pour étudier un panel de gènes considérés.

Microarrays et analyses transcriptomiques

QIMA Life Sciences, service provider Affymetrix®, vous propose des prestations d'analyses full génome par microarrays (plate-forme GeneAtlas®).

Bioinformatique : exploitation basique et fonctionnelle des données

Prestations de bioinformatique dédiées à l'analyse et l'exploitation des données transcriptomiques : traitement des données brutes, contrôle qualité, normalisation, analyses statistiques, analyse fonctionnelle basique et exploitation avancée (clusterisation et pathway).
Scalp surface lipids

Exploration of scalp surface lipids reveals squalene peroxide as a potential actor in dandruff condition

Dandruff is a common but complex disorder with three major contributing factors: (1) individual predisposition, (2) scalp sebum and (3) Malassezia yeast colonization.

Imiquimod-induced skin inflammation in mice is dependent on IL-1R1 and MyD88 signaling but independent of the NLRP3 inflammasome

The pathogenesis of inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis involves the release of numerous proinflammatory cytokines, including members of the IL-1 family. Here we report overexpression of IL-1α, IL-1β, and IL-1 receptor antagonist mRNA, associated to expression of IL-23p19, IL-17A, and IL-22 in skin cells

Androgens induce sebaceous differentiation in sebocyte cells expressing a stable functional androgen receptor

In order to study the impact of active androgens in sebocytes, we constructed a stable human sebocyte cell line derived from SEBO662 [17] constitutively expressing a fully functional AR. In these SEBO662 AR+ cells, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) induced AR nuclear translocation and the strong modulation of a set of transcripts (RASD1, GREB1...) known to be androgen-sensitive in other androgenic cells and tissues.

IL22/IL-22R pathway induces cell survival in human glioblastoma cells

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Interleukin-22 (IL-22) is a member of the IL-10 cytokine family that binds to a heterodimeric receptor consisting of IL-22 receptor 1 (IL-22R1) and IL-10R2. IL-22R expression was initially characterized on epithelial cells, and plays an essential role in a number of inflammatory diseases.

Study of proliferation and 3D epidermal reconstruction from foreskin, auricular and trunk keratinocytes in children

Our studies highlight the potential of foreskin tissue for autograft applications in boys. A suitable alternative donor site for autologous cell transplantation in female paediatric burn patients remains an open question in our department. We tested the hypothesis that in vitro studies and RHE reconstructive capacities of cells from different body sites can be helpful to select an optimal site for keratinocyte isolation before considering graft protocols for girls.

Epidermal healing in burns: autologous keratinocyte transplantation as a standard procedure: update and perspective

In the contexte of skin graft, cell suspensions transplanted directly to the wound is an attractive process, removing the need for attachment to a membrane before transfer and avoiding one potential source of inefficiency. Choosing an optimal donor site containing cells with high proliferative capacity is essential for graft success in burns.

Inhibition of keratinocyte differentiation by the synergistic effect of IL-17A, IL-22, IL-1α, TNFα and oncostatin M

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This study highlights the precise role of cytokines in the skin inflammatory response (psoriasis). IL-22 and OSM more specifically drive epidermal hyperplasia and differentiation loss while IL-1α, IL-17A and TNFα were more involved in the activation of innate immunity.
HNF1β prostate cancer

Expression patterns of candidate susceptibility genes HNF1β and CtBP2 in prostate cancer: Association with tumor progression

Genome-wide association studies have identified variants at multiple loci associated with prostate cancer (PCa) risk. Some of these loci include candidate susceptibility genes, such as MSMB, HNF1β, and C-terminal-binding protein (CtBP2). Except for MSMB, the clinicopathological significance of these genes has not been investigated. We therefore aimed to analyze their expression in PCa tissues, in relation with tumor progression and aggressiveness.