Dog Skin - Epidermal Cornification Proteins

New Biological Activities of Lythrum salicaria L.

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The perennial and widespread herb Lythrum salicaria L., also called purple loosestrife, is a plant that is traditionally used in European medicine.

New biological effects of Aphloïol

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In the present study, we identified new properties of Aphloïol (syn. mangiferin) in improving skin barrier function, especially by promoting keratinocyte differentiation, synthesis of transmembrane glycoprotein and lipid neosynthesis.

Rab11a Is Essential for Lamellar Body Biogenesis in the Human

Most of the skin barrier function is attributable to the outermost layer of the epidermis, the stratum corneum, which is composed of flattened, anucleated cells called corneocytes surrounded by a lipid-enriched lamellar matrix.