
IL-22 inhibits epidermal differentiation and induces proinflammatory gene expression and migration of human keratinocytes

IL-22 belongs to a family of cytokines structurally related to IL-10, including IL-19, IL-20, IL-24, and IL-26. In contrast to IL-10, IL-22 has proinflammatory activities. IL-22 signals through a class II cytokine receptor composed of an IL-22-binding chain, IL-22RA1, and the IL-10RB subunit, which is shared with the IL-10R.
gene expression

Comparison of gene expression profiles in human keratinocyte mono-layer cultures, reconstituted epidermis and normal human skin; transcriptional effects of retinoid treatments in reconstituted human epidermis

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In order to validate a model for predictive screening of dermatological drugs, we used a customized cDNA macro-array system containing 475 skin-related genes to analyze the gene expression patterns in human keratinocytes from different origins.

Development of a highly sensitive in vitro phototoxicity assay using the SkinEthic reconstructed human epidermis

The reconstituted human epidermis model SkinEthic was used to evaluate the phototoxicity of topically applied chemicals.