Reference Title EndPoint Method
Reference Title EndPoint Method
SKIN-0042Skin maintained ex vivo, ECM constituents (Alcian blue staining) (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0045Skin maintained ex vivo, ECM constituents (Gordon Sweet staining)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0046Skin maintained ex vivo, ECM constituents (Herovici staining)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0038Skin maintained ex vivo, ECM constituents (Luna staining)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0039Skin maintained ex vivo, ECM constituents (Movat's Pentachrome staining)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0047Skin maintained ex vivo, ECM constituents (Mowry staining) (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0040Skin maintained ex vivo, ECM constituents (Orcein staining)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0036Skin maintained ex vivo, ECM constituents (PAS staining)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0037Skin maintained ex vivo, ECM constituents (Sirius Red staining)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0013Skin maintained ex vivo, ECM protein expression (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN_Lb-0010Skin maintained ex vivo, enzyme activity (Catalase, SOD, GPx,…)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0012Skin maintained ex vivo, epidermal barrier markers (mRNA) (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0089Skin maintained ex vivo, expression oxidative stress markers (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0053Skin maintained ex vivo, gene expression (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
SKIN-0016Skin maintained ex vivo, gene expression - dermal-epidermal junction markers (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)