Reference Title EndPoint Method
Reference Title EndPoint Method
NHEM-0003NHEM, tyrosinase expression (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
CYTO-0007Non-adherent cells, cytotoxicity assay (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
OPC-0002Oligodendrocyte differentiation (basal)MBP expressionImmunofluorescence
OPC-0001Oligodendrocyte proliferation (basal)A2B5 labelingImmunofluorescence
PBMC-0012PBMC, anti-CD3/anti-CD28-stimulated T cells, cytokine release (anti-CD3/anti-CD28 stimulation)Cytokine release
GM-CSF release
IFN- gamma release
IL-1 beta release
IL-10 release
IL-13 release
IL-17 release
IL-2 release
IL-22 release
IL-5 release
IL-6 release
IL-8 release
TNF- alpha release
Flow cytometry (multiplex)
PBMC-0011PBMC, anti-CD3/anti-CD28-stimulated T cells, cytokine release (anti-CD3/anti-CD28 stimulation)IL-10 release
or other Treg cytokines
PBMC-0008PBMC, anti-CD3/anti-CD28-stimulated T cells, Th1 cytokine release (anti-CD3/anti-CD28 stimulation)GM-CSF release
IFN- gamma release
IL-2 release
or other Th1 cytokines
TNF- alpha release
PBMC-0010PBMC, anti-CD3/anti-CD28-stimulated T cells, Th17 cytokine release (anti-CD3/anti-CD28 stimulation)IL-17 release
or other Th17 cytokines
PBMC-0009PBMC, anti-CD3/anti-CD28-stimulated T cells, Th2 cytokine release (anti-CD3/anti-CD28 stimulation)IL-10 release
IL-13 release
IL-5 release
or other Th2 cytokines
TNF- alpha release
PBMC-0036PBMC, anti-CD3/anti-CD28-stimulated T cells, Th22 cytokine release (anti-CD3/anti-CD28 stimulation)IL-22 releaseELISA / EIA
PBMC_Lb-0002PBMC, arachidonic acid metabolite release (A23187 stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
PBMC-0044PBMC, cytokine release (IL-1 alpha stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
PBMC-0045PBMC, cytokine release (keratinocyte extract stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
PBMC-0046PBMC, cytokine release (TNF- alpha stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
PBMC-0019PBMC, IFN- gamma release (anti-CD28 stimulation)IFN- gamma releaseELISA / EIA