Reference Title EndPoint Method
Reference Title EndPoint Method
NCTC-0001NCTC 2544, IL-8 release (PMA stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NCTC-0002NCTC 2544, PGE2 release (PMA stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0174NHDF (asian donor), collagen I expression, ECM organization (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0175NHDF (asian donor), MMP-1 release (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0180NHDF (asian donor), procollagen I synthesis/release (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0089NHDF, ACC phosphorylation (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0082NHDF, calcium mobilization (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0083NHDF, calcium mobilization (Bradykinin stimulation )*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0081NHDF, cAMP content (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0052NHDF, caspase 3/7, enzymatic activity (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0116NHDF, caspase 3/7, enzymatic activity (staurosporine stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0118NHDF, caspase 3/7, enzymatic activity (UV stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0100NHDF, caspase-like proteasome activity (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0096NHDF, chondroitin sulfate expression, ECM organization (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHDF-0099NHDF, chymotrypsin-like proteasome activity (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)