Reference Title EndPoint Method
Reference Title EndPoint Method
FOLL-0009Hair follicle, pigmentation-related gene expression (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
FOLL-0003Hair follicle, protein expression (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
HFF-0001HFF, IL-8 release (IL-1 alpha stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
RHGE-0001HGE Skinethic, tissue morphology (Hematoxylin-Eosin staining) (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
NHIPP-0001Hippocampal neuron network (A beta 1-42 - intoxicated)Active caspase 3 labeling
beta-III tubulin labeling
NHIPP-0004Hippocampal neuron network (glutamate-intoxicated)NF-H labelingImmunofluorescence
NHIPP-0005Hippocampal neurons, chemokine production (cytokine mix stimulation)CCL5 releaseELISA / EIA
NHIPP-0003Hippocampal neurons, neuritogenesis (basal)Calcein-AM probeFluorescence / imaging
HL60-0002HL-60, arachidonic acid metabolite release (A23187 stimulation)LTB4 releaseELISA / EIA
HL60-0003HL-60, CAMP (LL-37 precursor) mRNA expression (basal)Cathelicidin / LL-37 expressionRT-qPCR
HL60-0001HL-60, IL-8 release (PMA stimulation)IL-8 releaseELISA / EIA
HMSC-0001HMSC differentiation in adipocytes*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
CYTO-0005hMSC, cytotoxicity assay (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
ENDOF-0001HMVEC + NHDF, differentiation/pseudotube formation (basal, pro-angiogenic agents)Pseudotube formationFluorescence / imaging
ENDOF-0002HMVEC + NHDF, differentiation/pseudotube formation (VEGF stimulation, anti-angiogenic agents)Pseudotube formationFluorescence / imaging