Reference Title EndPoint Method
Reference Title EndPoint Method
PBMC-0038PBMC, inflammation gene expression (LPS stimulation)qPCRarray (16 genes)qPCRarray (standard or customized)
PBMC-0005PBMC, LPS-stimulated monocytes, cytokine release (LPS stimulation)IL-1 beta release
IL-10 release
IL-12 release
IL-6 release
IL-8 release
MIP-1alpha release
or other inflammatory cytokines
TNF- alpha release
PBMC-0013PBMC, LPS-stimulated monocytes, cytokine release (LPS stimulation)Cytokine release
IFN- gamma release
IL-1 beta release
IL-6, IL-8, IL-12/IL-23p40, TNF- alpha release
MIP-1alpha release
Flow cytometry (multiplex)
PBMC-0042PBMC, M2-type macrophage induction in a MLR (Mix Lymphocyte Reaction) culture (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
PBMC-0007PBMC, O2- content (PMA stimulation)O2- (cellular), Hydroxyethidine probeFlow cytometry
PBMC_Lb-0001PBMC, PGE2 release (LPS stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
PBMC-0037PBMC, PI3K/AKT/mTOR or MAPkinases activation (Basal)AKT phosphorylation
ERK1/2 phosphorylation
PBMC-0041PBMC, T cell proliferation (Two-Way Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction)Proliferation[3H]-thymidine incorporation
PBMC-0018PBMC, TNF- alpha release (basal)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
PC12-0001PC12, neurite outgrowth (basal)beta-III tubulin labelingImmunofluorescence
PMN-0001PMN, CD11b/CD62L expression (TNF- alpha stimulation)CD11b (increase) / CD62L (decrease) expressionFlow cytometry
PMN-0015PMN, cytokine release (IL-1 alpha stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
PMN-0011PMN, cytokine release (LPS stimulation)IL-1 beta release
IL-6 release
IL-8 release
OSM release
PMN-0005PMN, H2O2 content (PMA stimulation)H2O2, DHR probe (non-adherent cells)Flow cytometry
PMN-0012PMN, IL-8 release (TNF- alpha stimulation)IL-8 releaseELISA / EIA