Reference Title EndPoint Method
Reference Title EndPoint Method
MAST-0001Mast cells degranulation, histamine release (compound 48/80 stimulation)Histamine releaseELISA / EIA
BMC-0004Microglia, cytokine release (fractalkine stimulation)IL-1 beta release
IL-6 release
TNF- alpha release
BMC-0001Microglia, cytokine release (LPS stimulation)IL-1 beta release
IL-6 release
TNF- alpha release
BMC-0002Microglia, NO production (LPS stimulation)Nitrite determination (Greiss reagent)Photometry
BACT-0008Minimum Inhibitory Concentration determination regarding a bacterial strainMIC determinationPhotometry
MODC-0005Mo-DC, cytokine release (basal)IL-10 release
IL-23 release
IL-6 release
IL-8 release
TNF- alpha release
MODC-0001Mo-DC, cytokine release (LPS stimulation)IL-10 release
IL-6 release
IL-8 release
TNF- alpha release
MODC-0008Mo-DC, cytokine release (Poly (I:C) stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
MODC-0010Mo-DC, mature DC marker expression (LPS stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)
MOLC-0002Mo-LC, cytokine release (PGN stimulation)IL-8 releaseELISA / EIA
MONO-0004Monocytes, opioid receptor labeling (Basal)ChemR23 expression
delta-opioid receptor (DOR) expression
Delta-type opioid receptor 1 (OPRD1) expression
GPR120 expression
mu -opioid receptor (MOR) expression
Flow cytometry
NMOT-0001Motoneuron network (glutamate-intoxicated)NF-H labelingImmunofluorescence
NMOT-0003Motoneurons + striated muscle cells, contraction frequency (basal)Contraction frequencyTime-lapse microscopy
NMOT-0002Motoneurons + striated muscle cells, neuromuscular junction (basal)Endplates labeling with alpha-BGTImmunofluorescence
NCTC-0004NCTC 2544, IL-6 release (PMA stimulation)*** (must be login)*** (must be login)